Existential Crisis
After my last blog post, "Things I Suck At," Barb informed me that my next blog post should be about things I am good at. So, I started with a few things people have told me that I'm good at, and tried to see those things from outside of my own frame of reference. This was far more difficult than I expected and I quickly became derailed. Now, I will tell you all about my existential crisis that started when I tried to see Dan's perspective and then he and DJ broke my self image. Dan said he loves my smiles. When I tried to see that from his perspective, I just couldn't. I don't smile at myself in the mirror and I hate selfies, because my smile hurts me. I didn't even realize just how much until I started talking to Dan about it. When I was seventeen, I had a really bad car wreck. It was a very washboard-y gravel road, I had a tiny, lightweight, little Datsun 210, and I was crying. It made for a catastrophic combination. I don't actually remember much...