Operation Titration

Look at this crew. Oh, what they have cost me... I have a whole zipper pouch dedicated to keeping them together. But, as of today, I have had enough. I'm not doing it anymore! Viibryd, you have really helped me through some rough times, but at what price? I met my $1500 deductible this year, ALL because of you! How many times in the past have I cried when the stupid insurance wasn't going to pay and I thought you wouldn't be there for me? And what about all those crazy thoughts you put into my head? Such vivid dreams that I couldn't wake up from, and when I finally did, I didn't know what was real? And if I ignored you, just once, the penalties were severe. But you know what Viibryd? Your usefulness to me has ended. I don't need you anymore! No longer will your chemistry hold sway over me. I make my own happiness! You are no longer welcome here. Be gone! And you, Metformin... really... the things you have done to me. The stomach issues you gave me a...