The Dreaded Lull
I have reached that point that we all knew was coming. I have hit that low spot where I have lost my momentum. I can see how far I have come and that the changes I have made have been effective, but I have lost my focus and drive. I think it actually started in January after I got my A1c of 6.0. Going down by 0.9 points, right out of that diabetic range, was amazing! It felt so good! But it also told my brain that I could slack off a bit and everything would be ok. That was a lie. I don't get to slack off. Well, maybe a little bit, but not to the extent that I have slid down that hill. I know better. When you are pushing a boulder up a mountain, it is ok to slow down a bit. But you just can't stop. Once you stop, you don't just sit there. It's not the same inertia as when you're stuck in a hole. Gravity will kick in and you will begin to roll backwards. I tried to slack on my habits for a moment because it's a lot of work. Knowing that I have to maintain these ...