Things I Don't Suck At

As you may have read in my last post, Barb had "strongly suggested" that my next blog post should be about all of the things that I don't suck at. I honestly did not expect to have much of a list, but I agreed to give it a shot. I pride myself in my ability to view the world through the lens of other people's perspectives. I have been through enough different types of situations that I can relate to a lot. There are a few perspectives I just can't seem to get a grasp on because they are just too foreign to my way of thinking. One of the concepts I have always struggled with has been a third-party view of myself. My self image was so solidified, I was so sure I knew exactly who and what I was, that I had blinded myself to any other possibility. I had refused to even acknowledge there was a different mirror through which to view myself. You see, hope scares me. If I know where I am, and I have accepted that, it might be a cruddy place to be, but it is my place. I...